This non verbal
this acceptance of love
This understanding
of boundaries and space
All of this diversity
this learning
to understand
 one another
a different perspective
Fears being nipped
patience tested.
I am greatful
new directions,
this lazor going to my core
shaking it up
facing my truths
What I would like to do
what I need to do
What I need to face
This idea
This cliché
the thoughts that cross my mind
moving forward
cleaning up my work
this presentation my ideas.
Loss, pain
lack and scarcity
these are truths
tears fall as I shake I continue to work
to plow through
stubborn independent proud
I stay quiet
to avoid confrontation
To avoid the weather,
politics and routine
I step away from all that
 I find insensitive
Humor is not humorous
come at me with sarcasm
im finding my way gracefully to the door
Come at me with judgement
and It will create distance.
Protecting my heart
protecting my space
This intelligence
What I choose to share.
the abililty to walk away.
the hump the hurdle
I now  look at it differently.
My faults, my words
The reactions
What the world is built around.
It pains me when people bark
it pains me to see and feel insecurities.
These are part of me
They tumble around
with all the change
 this work in progress.
Learning to step away
to get right back on track.
I am not you and
 you are not me
the need to be right
is selfish pity


Dan Vainavicz Photography


Creative Fields